Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I believe this to be true...the Bush Administration has the will and the desire to destroy everything in it's mad dash for supreme world power....

"...With everything out of control, American media look for easy explanations and scapegoats. But an accurate diagnosis is grim: Mainstream Christianity, Judaism and Islam have all been hijacked by rapture-ready religious fundamentalists. The leadership of the United States, Israel, Hezbollah, Hamas and Iran are eager for the Final Countdown. Presiding over end-of-the-world ceremonies will be George W., a man with the fiery determination of a beerhall convert.

Paul Craig Roberts said it well: “The Bush administration is insane. If the American people do not decapitate it by demanding Bush’s impeachment, the Bush administration will bring about Armageddon. This may please some Christian evangelicals conned by Rapture predictions, but World War III will please no one else.”.."

Let the trumpets blow…

Andrew Bosworth

Monday, July 24, 2006

Lets see now, whose %$%&&*& country is it anyway?

Top Iraqi’s White House Visit Shows Gaps With U.S.

Published: July 25, 2006

"BAGHDAD, Iraq, July 24 — When Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki visits the White House on Tuesday for the first time, he is expected to make requests that clash sharply with President Bush’s foreign policy, Iraqi officials say, signaling a widening gap between the Iraqis and the Americans on crucial issues..."

This entire debacle has never been about what the Iraqi people want...it has always been an American Empire invasion and subjugation.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

"What I won’t do is go to some place and try to get a cease-fire that I know isn’t going to last."
CONDOLEEZZA RICE, the secretary of state, on the fighting in Lebanon.

Maybe she should ask the dying and the maimed how they feel about a 'cease-fire', even a short one.

This is so typical of a cruel and vicious political operative who places ideology over compassion. Never mind that thousands of people are suffering pointless horror and loss, just as long as she and the grim ogres that squat, defecating, in the Oval Office can make a political point.

And you know what is even more bizarre? Everyone of these people call themselves a 'dedicated Bible Thumping Christian....imagine that.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

just couldn't resist.....
Farmers in rural Whatcom County, Washington report that they are recieving money from Federal Government because of an earthquake that occurred last year. The farmers, when interviewed, sort of chuckly and say, "Well sure, its a good check, so I cashed it." and "Don't seem ra'ht someways, but it is free money!"

Want to guess just where the majority of these good ole boys stand in regard to welfare, food stamps, subsidized housing for urban poor and minorities?
Get this...George W. Bush in signing his first veto in 5 1/2 years to stop expansion of stem cell research. Stem Cells have the potential to cure or significantly reduce massive diseases now afflicting millions and millions of human beings. Bush states, "I must protect the sanctity of innocent human life." (presumably meaning those stem cells...).

Can you believe the arrogance, irony, and utter fucking hypocrisy of this!




New Orleans

45 million Americans without medical insurance

Elimination of Worker Safety Rules through OSHA

Sago Mine

Environmental Toxins allowed to rise in American Food Supplies

Expansion of Nuclear Weapons Research and Deployment

Elimination of Poverty programs for poor and minorities

....the list goes on and on.

If ever there was a U.S. President who couldn't care less for the lives and well being of humans this one is the top.

And where in hell are these "Conservative Christians" and their sanctimonious bullshit about the 'Right to Life' when thousands of innocent people are being slaughtered?

I honestly don't understand how these people cannot see the glaring hypocrisy that serves as their reality.

Monday, July 17, 2006

The looting of the American Treasury, the sell-off of American land and resources, and the armed robbery of the American People by the wealthy elite in this country,at this point in time, will be considered by reasonable historians as the greatest criminal enterprise of human history.
Just you watch!


Saturday, July 08, 2006

Hunter S. Thompson, crazy but accurate

"Every GOP administration since 1952 has let the Military-Industrial Complex loot the Treasury and plunge the nation into debt on the excuse of a wartime economic emergency. Richard Nixon comes quickly to mind, along with Ronald Reagan and his ridiculous 'trickle-down' theory of U.S. economic policy. If the Rich get Richer, the theory goes, before long their pots will overflow and somehow 'trickle down' to the poor, who would rather eat scraps off the Bush family plates than eat nothing at all. Republicans have never approved of democracy, and they never will. It goes back to pre industrial America, when only white male property owners could vote."

-- Hunter S. Thompson

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Well, back on line. We have moved our family to a new, country location. We have nearly 4 acres of georgeous woods and rich soil. We have enough land to raise our garden crops, chickens, rabbits, a goat or two and a feeling of safety in an increasingly dangerous Amerika. The feeling of safety is surely an illusion. The long fickel arm of imperial majesty, King George the obsessed, is just as close as ever.

But now, we have the chance, just a chance mind you, of growing some of our own food and maintaining our own water supply. We have a chance of weathering some of the coming storms.

I have said it before, and I say it again....and again...The United States of America is not a Democracy, never has been, and it is teetering on the edge of economic collapse. The vaunted power and scope of Capitalism may have been nothing more than a curious byproduct of petroleum. Within three years, maybe five, we will see the utter collapse of the dollar as a world currency and we will see the vaunted Amerikan lifestyle go away. We, the people of this great country, are headed for some hard times. I believe we will see run away inflation, and spiking price hikes. The inflation will be due to the arrogance and blind blundering of our political leadership. At a time when countries must lean on and cooperate with each other in a global system, the United States has become a brutal pariah, killing innocent men and women, and even children, in a spasm of empirial greed. The United States may have become one of the most hated countries, and most feared countries, on the planet. Although other countries cannot compeat with us militarily, they can render their retribution by cooperative economic leverage.

The facts of Peak Oil are indisputable by reputable, and honest, scientists.

This simple phrase eliminates every single scientist paid by the Bushites.

Anyway, between chores, the bearded ole guy is back.....for what ever that means.