Thursday, May 25, 2006

Here is a salient point we all need to keep in mind. The Oil Shocks we as U.S. citizens will feel will not come because gas is in short supply. That will come, but later. The world has a ways to go before the real limitations of fossile fuels become widespread. No, the real threat to U.S. consumers is that the petroleum we so badly need is held by third world countries who are finally realizing their importance to the whole world. These countries are looking around, and they realize that they have real power. They are not the most advanced technologically or militarily but they have something that the rest of us do not have and cannot do without; Oil.

The United States has a long and brutal history of taking what we want and leaving the plundered country in poverty and debt. Dosen't matter wether it is banana's, pineapples, gold, or petroleum. They got it, we want it, we take it. No more. Now countries like Iran know that they are protected by the one thing that the U.S. can do nothing about, Indespensiblity. The world cannot live without their oil.

As the U.S. has swaggered about the world, killing, corrupting, stealing, destroying the world has taken note and retaliation is due.

It doesn't matter that this country outspends the next 5 countries in total military armament, combined. It doesn't matter that we are rough and tough, violent and zenophobic, what matters is that we can no nothing about this situation.

The United States has made an enemy of the entire world. We have no friends. The Bush Administration has seen to that. If other countries were mildly irritated with American before Bush, they now grind their teeth in anticipation of payback.

You and I, not Bush and not the uber-wealthy are going to pay the price. As always. The fossil fuel countries can sell their oil to anybody and there is no shortage of buyers. This means that they can and will use these precious fluids as a weapon of revenge on America. They can, and they will.

Threat of Oil Supply Shock Worries Energy Subcommittee

by David Lightman, Washington,Wednesday, May 17, 2006

"As if high energy prices were not enough of a problem, members of a House panel were briefed Tuesday on another reason for concern: the possibility that unfriendly countries could cut off oil supplies to hurt the United States.

"Today we cannot effectively counter the use of energy as a weapon," Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., chairman of the House energy subcommittee, said as he set the stage for testimony from several government experts..."

"...It said that unlike other periods in American history when prices soared, the latest round of increases is driven by demand, not tight supply. But supplies have tightened, the study found, meaning "the U.S. is more vulnerable to a catastrophic supply shock, especially considering the current geopolitical environment."

"We are witnessing growing tendencies in producing countries to manipulate the use of their natural resources," agreed Karen A. Harbert, the Energy Department's assistant secretary for policy and international affairs..."

Beside ridding ourselves of such useless parasites and politicians like George W. Bush, we need immediately begin massive conservation and efficiency measures. The only way we as citizens can protect ourselves is to become as independent as we can from foreign oil.

At a minimum, this means

  • making sure your home is as energy efficient as it can be.
  • Get newer, more energy efficient appliances,
  • increase the 'R' Factor in your home insulation,
  • caulk around windows and doors,
  • get high efficiency windows,
  • replace light bulbs with flourescent bulbs,
  • get a high efficiency waterheater and wrap it in insulation blankets.
  • take a serious look at installing alternative energy sources; wind, solar, water, hydrothermic, anything that would reduce your dependence on oil.
  • Finally, take a serious look at your automobile and consider replacement with something that gets good gas milage.
Don't do these things because they are fashionable, do them because your survival and the survival of your children and family depends on it.

One last thing, lobby for, work for, and elect only those politicians that understand the perils of this situation and who are determined to work collectively and in concert with other countries to establish JUSTICE in this world. End poverty, end hunger, end child and women exploitation, end racism, end disease, end unhealthy water sources.

You want peace, work for justice.

"Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why."
Kurt Vonnegut

I have said it so many times. George W. Bush is the worst President in U.S. History. Worse than Buchanon; worse than Polk; worse than Coolidge; worse than Nixon; worse than them all. Collectively.

This man is an absolute disaster as President.

It isn't just that he is arrogant, small-minded, petty, vicious, ignorant, deluded, vindicative, obtuse, and morally bankrupt. It is that he has come along in a time that is the worst possible time to have George W. Bush in a leadership role.

We are facing the cumulative progression of Global Warming; Overpopulation; Corporate Power run amok; Biological Pollution threatening the very health of the planet; Religious Wars and hatred dividing humanity; Globally tied Economic Policies and Politics that guarantee the destruction of habitats and whole species of fauna and flora; Massive over exploitation of Earth Resources; and the every present threat of a Global Pandemic. We are now faced with a huge delimma's, perhaps the worst to face the human species in our existence, and we have as leader of the most powerful country on the planet an illiterate fool.

Published on Wednesday, May 24, 2006 by the South Florida Sun-Sentinel

by Robert P. Watson

"...From the great presidents we know that the country is well-served by leaders who exhibit the following traits:

  • Humanity, compassion, and respect for others
  • A governing style that unifies, not divides
  • Rhetorical skills and the ability to communicate a clear, realistic vision
  • Willingness to listen to experts and the public
  • Ability to admit error, accept criticism and be adaptable
  • Engaged and inquisitive, with a sense of perspective and history
  • Integrity, inspiring trust among the people
  • Moral courage in not shrinking from challenges.."
Any of these sound like Bush? NO? Then perhaps this....

Bush has been tone deaf, disinterested in advice and evidence that contradict his beliefs, intellectually disengaged from the crises that have enveloped his administration, and arrogant in exercising power. Bush's failure is most apparent in the major crises of his presidency, namely mishandling the war in Iraq and Hurricane Katrina, recklessly amassing the world's largest deficits and debt, and failing to lead on pressing challenges such as the skyrocketing costs of health care, fuel and a college education..."

Indeed, the president has long passed the point of simply being untrustworthy; he has made a mockery of the office. That Bush will be remembered by history as a failure is now conventional wisdom among scholars of the presidency..."

I see the bumper stickers are some cars, "Bush 04", and I think to myself, "What kind of fool would admit they supported George W. Bush?" If I were them I would not only remove the offending 'Bush' sticker, but I would rip off the bumper it was attached to. Maybe I'll just do it for them....

It's all just normal.....


1. Kidnappers are not very interested in you.

2. In a hostage situation you are likely to be released first.

3. No one expects you to run--anywhere.

4. People call at 9 pm and ask, " Did I wake you ???? "

5. People no longer view you as a hypochondriac.

6. There is nothing left to learn the hard way.

7. Things you buy now won't wear out.

8. You can eat dinner at 4 pm.

9. You can live without sex but not your glasses.

10. You get into heated arguments about pension plans.

11. You no longer think of speed limits as challenge.

12. You quit trying to hold your stomach in no matter who walks into the

13. You sing along with elevator music.

14. Your eyes won't get much worse.

15. Your investment in health insurance is finally beginning to pay off.

16. Your joints are more accurate meteorologists than the national
17. Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember
them either.

18. Your supply of brain cells is finally down to manageable size.

19. You can't remember who sent you this list
And you notice these are all in Big Print for your convenience.

Also Forward this to every one you can remember .

thanks Brother Bill

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

(Cimetiere Montparnasse Monument - Couple in Bed - Claudecf)

and somehow
must have thought this statue was a swell idea.

But I can't imagine why.

What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?
Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948), "Non-Violence in Peace and War"

Monday, May 22, 2006

by GaiaRambling

What People believe.

"How do you persuade a man who has a wife and children and who works hard but can barely make ends meet to take a pay cut and go do something that has a high probability of getting him killed or seriously injured?.."

"The opportunity for self delusion invites the promise of self destruction."



Of all the information available about the Bush Junta, one of the best, most concise reports is The Project for an Old American Century, 14 Points of Fascism.

If you want to know the state of America today, read this list. If you know of any republicans out there who still believe that Bush is a 'great American', make em read this list. If these republicans STILL don't get it, then just shoot em, the're too stupid to live.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

See, he CAN tell the truth....

I have been accused in the past of being anti-Christian. In an honest appraisal of my writings I would say this is true.

I have often felt that hypocrisy was one of the worst behaviors because it is also one of the most difficult to avoid. I too fall into the hypocrisy mud and wallow around a bit. I often don't do what I say, or hold others to a standard that I am not willing to uphold. In fact, I am a great one for pointing out the short comings of others, while ignoring my own. I can judge and criticize with the very best.

I am reminded that other people are on their own journey as I am on mine. I need to leave them to their path, whatever it is they have chosen, and focus on my own. People, consciously or unconsciously chose their lot in life. For instance, I have neighbors that are the most compassionate, ethical, considerate people I have ever known. They live well and they share their gifts with those that have less. They do this selflessly. They are Christian and are heavily involved with their church. They are a credit to this religion they have chosen as their own. Interestingly, these are good people, who would be good people regardless of their religion.

Religion does not make people good, it only allows good people to express themselves. Being compassionate is a personal choice that reflects a spirituality that transcends Religion. In fact, being Spiritual has little to do with Religion. It is about choices of how we chose to view others and how we chose to care for ourselves.

However, the more conscious we are about our lives, more spiritual we can become.

Living Consciously means making decesions about right and wrong every day, rather than just cruising on autopilot and letting our society make the choices. Conscious living means questioning everything, and being open to whatever answer we get. Conscious living is not criticism or judgement as these are behavior that stem from fear or hurt. Conscious living is not about restriction or rigid adherence to rules and norms, it is about making your own personal decision about how you want to live your life. You chose to return a wallet with $100 in it. You chose to allow someone to cut you off in traffic without becoming angry and vengeful. You chose to be an arrogant, pitiless, ignorant megalomaniac like George W. Bush....oops, got some judgement in there.

Even Bush has his path and has his own journey. I can fault his behavior, but I must accept that he has his own journey to make.

To all of you who happen to believe in Christianity, or Judaism, or Moslem, or whatever, I apologize for judging your journey. I apologize for branding you with the same iron. You have your path, I have mine, yours is no better or worse than the one I have chosen, just different. As is true of every living creature. There is a world of varying realities and the world is far more complex than any of us can know or understand. I must not judge who you are and where you are going because that is for you to decide.

Friday, May 19, 2006

autumn 2005 - dlusion

Any civilization, past, present, or future, that invests more energy in preparing for the afterlife in some mythical 'heaven' than it does in cherishing the biological entity called Earth is a civilization of fools and charlatans.

What possible sense does it make to follow some blind religion that worships a celestial deity while poisoning, exploiting, and killing the planet upon which every living creatures depends?
What possible logic would lead otherwise intelligent creatures to create mystical religions that allow the despoiling and destruction of our environment?

Modern Religions view nature as birthright of humanity, to do with as we please. Modern Religions allow for the exploitation of other living entities because of arrogance and ego-centric lies that form their foundations.
By what distortion of reason would humanity follow any other God than that of Earth?

The earth is and always has been our God. It gives us life, it gives us presence, companionship, medicine, breath, health, hope, mystery, and death. The planet itself gives us everything we ascribe to celestial Gods and more. It gives us reality. The Earth is REAL; Jesus, Budda, Yahwe, Mohammed are all contructs. They do not exist. They have importance only because people have given them importance. These Gods exist only because humanity exists. Take away humanity and these Gods cease. Look at the endless pantheon of lost Gods: Bal; Jupiter; Osiris; thousands upon thousands of nameless Gods worshipped by nameless people living in forgotten places and lost times. The Gods of this era will no doubt vanish into history as the world moves on, civilizations crumble, humanity scatters in survival. These modern Gods are no more powerful or sacred than all the others. They are just the latest in a long line of created myths.

But the Earth exists whether or not humanity exists. The Earth abides. If there is to be worship and honor, we must turn to the Earth as our Mother, our God.

Humanity has taken the wonderous life giving substances of our home world and has polluted the air, the land, the water. Humanity has slaughtered in great and unforgiving numbers the animals that share this world, destroyed its forests, its oceans, its rich tapetry of life, for food, for clothing, for leather, for shelter, for toys, for glory, for riches, for power, for fun. Humanity, in the guise of civilization and under the name of Religion, has treated the natural world like disposable tissue or toilet paper.

This is insanity.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Bush The Christian...

These are the words of Jesus Christ. Now, I am not a Christian. It isn't that I don't believe in Christianity, I do. It's Christians that I don't believe in.
Of all the pro-war people in this country, the Christian Right Wing is leading the pack.

Urged on by their babbling leaders: Robertson, Falwell, Dobson, Bush, etc., the Christian Right has supported the War in Iraq, the War in Afganistan, the War in El Salvador, The War in Panama, The War in Grenanda, the War in....well you get it.

The leading proponents of war in this country consist of the Christian Right.

Where ever you find the slaughter of innocent people, you will find conservative christians.
So, to display the virulent ignorance they have of their own religion, I have presented the words of their savior:

The Holy Bible

"29The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God is one Lord:

30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

31 And the second is like, namely this, Thous shalt love they neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these."
St. Mark 12 29-31

('ll notice that killing your neighbors dosen't seem to be on the list....)

Education in America

Can you think of any reason, any reason at all, that the United States of America refuses to pay for the education of its children?

My neighbor was complaining to me that his son would incur thousands and thousands of dollars in debt if he attends graduate school. This is on top of the $30,000 he already owes for his undergraduate degree. I am sure this is no isolated situation. Why would a country that esteems education and prides itself on its educational achievments cripple it's children with financial debt?

American children, like children the world over, want to grow and learn; they want to make a good life for themselves, have a career, a profession, a trade that they are proud of. American children want to have a nice home, cars, all the new technology. Someday they want to have their own children, and they want only the very best for their children-to-be.

In Europe the people have made different decesions for their children. They have decided that since education is one of the most significant and profound things they can do for their children, they provide free education from start to finish. Free. When their children graduate from school, they have a profession or trade, and can start their lives unburdoned by staggering debt. European people, wether French, Norwegian, English, German, all believe that education should be a benefit of citizenship. They believe their children are worth an increased tax base if it will give them the solid headstart every child deserves.

Makes sense doesn't it?

But not in America. If you mention 'free education', conservative Americans curl their upper lip and sneer, "Socialism". Can't provide free education because that would be evil 'Socialism'. Where in the world did this paralyzing and irrational fear of Socialism come from? Well, that's for another column. America refuses to fund the education of its children.

America is guided by many myths. As with most myths, the American Myths are based on lies. I have heard all my life that, here in America, we prize education and we urge our children to gain all the education they can stand.

If that were true, why don't we pay for it? Why have we increased college tuition to the point that most middle class and all poor people can't afford it? Why have we cut any form of college tuition aid to near zero? Why don't we have full scale free technical schools available for children who don't want a college degree but do want to learn a trade? When European children come out of school they have a guaranteed trade or profession, ready to take their place in society. When an American graduates from high school they get exactly zip. Nothing. They are trained for nothing and have few if any skills. Some will get a decent basic education and use it for college. The majority will graduate from high school without a clue of what they can do next. We don't educate our children, we test them, pass them through, and forget about them.

America has failed its children.

Why? Americans love our children. We do. We want the best for them as do other parents in other lands. So why do we treat our children so miserably?


This is not a democracy. This is not a country that places the welfare of its people at a high level. This is an oligarchy, a tyranny, a land ruled by the wealthy elite who make the decesions on what happens here. Having a poor and ill-educated citizenry works well for the elite. They have workers desperate for employment, with few skills, and willing to take low pay. They have workers that can be trapped by the system to serve the system. A citizen who graduates college is so burdened by debt that they have no choice but to do as the system demands. They go into profession that pay the most, only because it is survival. The result of this is that many of the jobs crucial to a vibrant and free society are left unfilled. Americans cannot afford to do the work they love, and work that is needed, because they are indentured to the system. So, they study for and take professions that only serve the needs of the Capitalistic system. Bankers, Brokers, Stock Brokers, Lawyers, Accoutants, corporate shills and MBA's whose only function is to keep the system alive.

By forcing American students to assume the staggering financial burden of higher education you bond these students to the capitalistic system.

Indentured servitude.

And it doesn't matter if it is the parents who pay, because it is just as useful to the wealthy elite to have the parents in economic slavery as it is the kids.

Additionally, a poorly educated citizenry is much easier to control and to manipulate. By keeping the costs of college education beyond the reach of most Americans, and by placing those who do make it through in serious debt, you ensure that only the elites have choice and freedom.

The mythology of America is that we are a free people. A truly free people are people that can make decesions that are grounded in reality and need, rather than ideology and custom. If we were truly free, Americans would have universal education, affordable housing, affordable medical care, pensions, and peace. But we don't because the needs of Americans count for nothing to the ruling elite.

Bush makes me cry...

Supreme Court Officially Emasculates Taxpayers

By David Sirota
Working For Change
Tuesday 16 May 2006

"In a unanimous decision Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a lower court ruling that would have invalidated massive taxpayer giveaways to Corporate America..."

"...Today's ruling, though, is particularly egregious. Not only did the court strike down an important ruling, but it essentially emasculated taxpayers' ability to bring any such lawsuits against their own government in the future..."

This case started in Ohio were taxpayers sued the State for diverting taxpayer money away from local schools and gave it to DaimlerChrysler in the form of tax rebates and incentives. $300 million in taxpayer cash! Schools were closed because of this giveaway.

So the taxpayers sued to regain control of how their tax money was spent. The U.S. Supreme Court in upholding the State's rights over the taxpayer has sent a signal that the United States Taxpayer has no control or input to how the State decides to spend their tax dollars. Lets suppose that Senator X wants to open a business for his mistress, FiFi. But he sure doesn't want to spend his own money on this. So he grabs some taxpayer loot, maybe $200,000 or $300,000, hands it to FiFi and she opens a nail boutique for Rottweilers.

This is perfectly legal. Senator X isn't taking the money himself, he is investing it in a local commerical enterprise, therebye creating jobs and assisting the economy. But the taxpayer is on the hook for a dog salon that is owned by his mistress. According the the U.S. Supreme Court, the taxpayer has NO SAY in how his or her tax money is spent.

Taxation without Representation? I seem to recall that this fact is one of the founding ideas of our country.

But lets be real here. George W. Bush and the thieving, coniving, assholes in the Republican Party have placed John Roberts as head of the Supreme Court specifically to do just this: Complete the process of a Fascist Takeover this country.

Fascism is a totalitarian state that is run for and by corporate power. In this type of state, the citizen has no power, no influence, nothing. Much like the United States today.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


We sold our house the other day. I was telling our neighbors about how we sold the house really quickly and we got our asking price. They just looked at me.

So, I explained that only two people looked at it and they both bid on it.

They just looked at me.

Full price.

They just looked at me.

I couldn't figure out what they were thinking. They didn't seem upset, just puzzeled. Quizical.

They said, "Who'd ya sell it to?"

I paused. "I don't know."

They just looked at me.

So, not knowing what else to do, and being totally deficit in small talk skills, I said, "Goodbye" and left.

Later, It occured to me why they were so puzzeled. I had just told them that I sold my house, right next to them, and I hadn't even bothered to find out who I had sold it to. Could be I sold it to vampires, or maybe a child molester. They could have mongrel biker thugs, perverts, and Bush Supporters moving in right next to them and their innocent children. Their pets could be in jeopardy. I could have sold it to anybody or anything.

Put in on the market, sell it, pack up and move. That was the plan. I would've sold to anybody. Jack the Ripper, if he came up with a decent down payment, could join the Home Owners Association. Then we would move far away and leave the beleagured neighbors to deal with 'whatever' moved in.

No wonder they just looked at me.

Humor o' the day

Monday, May 15, 2006


A couple of New Jersey hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing, his eyes are rolled back in his head. The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls the emergency services.

He gasps to the operator: “My friend is dead! What can I do?”

The operator, in a calm soothing voice says: “Just take it easy. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead.”

There is a silence, then a shot is heard.

The guy's voice comes back on the line. He says: “OK, now what?"

United America?

T-Shirt Says, "IMAGINE no liberals".

Funny huh?

Now consider this, IF their were no Liberals:

NO Health Insurance

NO Child Care

NO Retirement or Pensions

NO Worker Safety rules

NO Overtime

NO Lunch or Break times

NO Vacation time

NO Health and safety Rules and Guidelines

NO Low Income Housing

NO Secular Homeless Shelters

NO Food Giveaway Programs

NO Food Stamps

NO Student Aid Programs

NO Sick leave

NO Disability Programs

NO Social Security

NO Medicare

NO Medicaid

NO School Lunch Programs

NO Minority Assistance Programs

NO Public Health

NO Environmental Legislation protecting our air, water, soil

NO Government Regulations of Corporations protecting the consumers

NO Unions promoting higher wages and benefits for all

THESE are programs that were started, organized, and bled for by Liberals.

THESE are programs that every poor or moderate income Conservative depends on.

THESE are programs responsible for the health and well-being of millions upon millions of Americans for many Generations.

Life without Liberals would be 'nasty, brutish, and short".

You know, the thing that I resent most about the Republican Conservative christians (RCc) is how devisive there are. They have taken American and divided it into polorized camps. They have taken a country in which all people were Americans and even though we didn't always agree on everything, at least we agreed that we are Americans and we respect each other.

George W. Bush has changed that, perhaps forever. We are no longer one nation. We are now a nation divided by political perspective and religious ideology.

A Great President, Lincoln, once said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."

A Great failure as a President, Bush, once said, "Your either with us or against us."

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Peak Oil

Morgenrot - Takashi Iwamoto

Peak Oil: This has been defined by many Geological Scientists as that point in which the exploitation of petroleum begins to decline due to reduction in the amount and quality of oil available. Many believe that this dividing line has been reached already.

What this all means is that anything made of petroleum; gasoline; cosmetics; plastic; heating oil; fertilizer; herbicides and pesticides; automobiles; trains; planes; children's toys. These will all become much more expensive and much more difficult to obtain because there will not be enough oil to meet the growing demands of humanity on this finite fossil fuel.

Get it?

This fact will irrevocably change American Society. Americans are about to get hit with one of the biggest alterations to our life style ever experienced by modern man. Everything we now enjoy as part of a 'civilized' society is going to be altered. You will no longer find sweet onions from Texas and grapes from Chile in your grocery store. Empty shelves will appear in the vast food stuffed wharehouses we call grocery stores. Seasonal foods will only be available in season. Clothing will be expensive and made from natural fibers. People will learn to sew and repair their clothing rather than buy new ones. People will learn to garden for their food, raise chickens and goats. Car pooling will become a necessity not an option. Car and transport vehicles will shrink and become much more expensive. Anyone in the service industry is going to be seeking new lines of employment because the extra income for luxury or non-necessities will be gone.

America is going to go through one of the most wide spread and disruptive periods in its entire history, and we lucky dogs are gonna get to live it!

This change is coming and it is coming damn soon. At most, we have 2-3 years to get our act together before the well runs dry, according to experts in this field.Look around you and marvel at what we have because we won't have it for long.

The ease of just hopping into your car, running down to the local grocery/hardware/convienence/clothing store and 'picking up a few things', will come to a screeching halt. Gasoline will hit $5.00 a gallon easily. Stores will have to increase their prices to pass along the enormous increase in the cost of transportation fuels. Further, shortages will be more widespread as petroleum becomes more expensive and harder to get.

This change is going to be freaken huge!

Everything we know will change. Everything we take for granted will change. What ever comfortable life we have right now will change for the worse. Hard times are acoming and you don't hear one word about this from our so-called 'free press' or our overpaid politicians.

If you are not striving for self sufficiency right now, you are going to be very sorry.

Oh, and the new alternative fuels harkened by the President and others is a non-starter. For one thing, every alternative energy idea is based on the availability of petroleum. That is the central and most significant problem of alternative energy that is supposed to save us. You cannot make wind towers, transmission lines, computers, solar cells; inverters; etc. without fossil fuels. Then, you gotta transport them to where they can do the most good and this will take even more fossile fuel. Plus hydrogen as an energy carrier has significant problems such as how you generate hydrogen and how your distribute it, but most of all, storage of hydrogen is incredibly difficult because it must be kept under presssure and is explosive. Ethanol, the savior of our mega-farms suffers from the fact that it is extremely corrosive and cannot be transported by pipe line. It must be trucked, adding to the need for even more fossile fuel or Ethanol itself.

Additionally each alternative fuel now being offered is decades away from being widely available. DECADES! We don't have decades before petroleum becomes in short supply. At maximum we have less that 5 years before everything changes.

Americans and American ingenuity is going to be tested as never before. Oh, and those people that bought houses in the suburbs, that have zero lot lines and absolutely no yard space at all, are going to be between a rock and a very hard place.

You know that Peak Oil is serious when the U.S. Military, the best financed element of our country, is searching for alternatives to fossil fuel.

Military Plans Tests in Search for an Alternative to Oil-Based Fuel

"..."Energy is a national security issue," said Michael A. Aimone, the Air Force assistant deputy chief of staff for logistics..."

Now here is where things get more interesting. In our desperation to replace fossil fuels, we could turn to coal.

"...If the military moves ahead with using the synthetic fuels, the Syntroleum technology could be used by factories elsewhere to produce the same 42 gallons of fuel from just $10 worth of coal, Mr. Holmes said.

"The United States is essentially the Saudi Arabia of coal," Mr. Holmes said. "It can be mined relatively inexpensively. We really believe that one of the things we can do to help our country's energy needs is to use the abundance of coal reserves.".."

In the next few years you will hear a lot about coal and how self sufficient the U.S. is in this mineral. Sure, it can be turned into gasoline and fuel, but there is an enormous cost, air pollution and a significant increase in Global Warming.

This is not trivial.

The entire planet is facing run away global warming, which includes the possibilty that whole sections of the world may become uninhabitable and storms will reach levels of intensity never before witnessed by human beings.

Global Warming is real and it is extremely important that we stop producing CO2 right now. Burning Coal is guaranteed to substantially "raise the CO2 levels world wide. If anything, Global Warming is more of a threat to the well being of everyday Americans than Peak Oil and Terrorism combined. So, yeah, we have lots of coal, but using it will turn into a Hobson's Choice. That is, the decesion to develop coal energy is just as poor as the decesion to continue with Middle East Oil.

No, we as human beings must face the reality that our world is changing and fast. Each of us will have to make decesions for ourselves and our families that we never imagined having to make.

What can we do? The best aknowledged plan for the immediate future is simply: Efficiency and Conservation. Right now figure our what energy you use, where it is used, how much, and how you can cut this consumption to the bone. You will be as aware of energy in your life as you are to wearing shoes and brushing your teeth.

Friday, May 12, 2006

America Loses Basic Freedoms...Citizens complacent.

Mt Merapi volcano, central java

Is inflation actually caused by Government Actions? I have always assumed that Inflation was something that just happened, like chickenpox, and the Government fought to keep it in check. But what if Government leaders actually wanted inflation and could create it? What if the Government wanted to help corporations become even more profitable so they allow wholesale increased in the price of products, claiming that the increases aren't their fault...its that mysterious old bugger, Inflation?

What is Inflation? It is the slow rise of prices over time.

Inflation has been said to be a means of illegal and underhanded taxation by Government.


ABC News on TV this morning said that 63% of the polled Americans think that Bush's spying on Americans is justified. If this is the case, a BIG IF, then Americans do not deserve freedom. Any person that would sell their basic freedoms from Government intrusion for the elusive promise of safety is a god damn fool.

"...What we have here is a clandestine surveillance program of enormous size, which is being operated by members of the administration who are subject to no limits or scrutiny beyond what they deem to impose on one another. If the White House had gotten its way, the program would have run secretly until the war on terror ended — that is, forever..."

Reach Out and Track Someone

By Terry J. Allen, In These Times. Posted May 11, 2006.

"...If you are one of the more than 200 million Americans with a cell phone nestled in your pocket, authorities may be able to find you any time day or night--even if you never make or receive a call..."


The Internet may soon become controlled by major corporations like Comcast and AT&T. Corporations will decide what is available to you over the internet and what is not. More access to more sites means that you must pay more each month. Obviously, this also means that any site not deemed worthy by Corporate America will be difficult, or impossible, to reach.

Stop ATT From Taking Your Web

By Robert B. Reich, Posted May 12, 2006.

"...Until now, a basic principle of the Internet has been that the pipe companies can't discriminate among content providers. Everyone who puts stuff up on the Internet is treated exactly the same. The net is neutral.

But now the pipe companies want to charge the content providers, depending on how fast and reliably the pipes deliver the content. Presumably, the biggest content providers would pay the most money, leaving the little content people in the slowest and least-reliable parts of the pipe. (It will take you five minutes to download my blog.) The pipe companies claim unless they start charge for speed and reliability, they won't have enough money to invest in the next generation of networks. This is an absurd argument. The pipes are already making lots of money off consumers who pay them for being connected to the Internet..."

The Sheeple of America are being branded, herded, and slaughtered and they don't have a clue that it is all premeditated.


Harris Poll reports Bush at 29%. No surprise...Worst President of all time! I wonder when it will hit the single digits...and will it even matter? Will Americans do anything about it? CAN Americans even do anything about it?


We are buying a new home. Yesterday I looked at the loan documents and, as always, I am absolutely apalled at what passes for Bank Fraud these days. My interest rate shows 6.8% which dosen't sound too bad. Little high perhaps, but ok. However, when I look at how much money I will actually pay in interest and how much I pay in priniciple I notice a funny thing. The Interest I will pay over the life of the loan is nearly $50,000 higher than the cost of the house itself. $50 GRAND HIGHER? I may not be much of a wiz at math, but I do know that when you pay more in interest than the house is worth then that ain't 6.8%. For example, If my house sold for $400,000 and I pay another $400,000 in interest, than I have a loan interest rate of 100%! Right? My interest rate matches my principle dollar for dollar. That is a 100% loan! But if my interest is way over the principle, then my interest is way over 100%.

It occurs to me that Americans are being bled white by corporate and bank malveasance. And the Bush Administration is their partner in crime. The worst part is that it is all Institutionalized. It's normal. In this society, if a man comes up to you and stickes a gun in your face, demanding money, then he is a criminal and may get jailed. However, if you walk into a bank voluntarily, sign the papers, and the banker demands you pay him 150% of what your loan is worth, that is legal. InAmerica it is standard practice for corporations to create laws and regulations that give them the absolute control over their customers. They hide their villany behind smug thousand dollar suits and citrus aftershave. The corporate elite.

The Cosa Nostra, of legend and fame, would faint with envy at what the Bush Administration and the Corporate World can steal.

But whatta ya gonna do? We signed the papers.


One last thing. You may have heard this all before, but pay attention! Check out your credit scores and data with the three major credit companies: Experian; Transunion; and Equifax. Each is bought and paid for by U.S. Corporations and their bias is toward business. In fact, they will deliberately enter information on you that they do not check out for veracity. Some of their negative comments are on things that you have no control over. For instance, you will get a downgraded credit score if you have too many inquiries to these three credit agencies. How the hell can you control that? And does anybody know how many contacts is too many? These Credit agencies judge your credit worthiness on a issues that have little, if any, direct relationship to wether you pay your bills on time and in the right amount. It is a totally bogus system.

It accures to me that American Capitalistic Corporations are predatory, unethical, devious, untrustworthy, unscrupulous, and have no real regulatory or legal contraints on their business behavior. American Business have taken the term "Sic Caveat Emptor" as their only ethical creed. By the way, 'Sic Caveat Emptor' is latin for "Fuck em, they have our money in their pockets".

Despite all my bitching, we have a good credit score...I can only imagine what it is like for someone with marginal or 'bad' credit numbers.

Well, we will get our house and I will calm down eventually. I just hate being screwed by corporations and know that there is little I can do about it.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

American Gulag

I have said this many times, in many places, to many people. In order for the transformation of America into a Theocratic Fascist State, the ruling tyrants must control the internet.

They must. Tyranny can only hold if the masses know only ignorance.

At present, the mainstream news media is completely dominated by corporate power and everything reported to the American people is vetted by the White House. What we see, what we hear, what we know is only what the ruling elite want us to know.
At present, there is NO Independent news media in this country. NONE!

Further, we are now forbidden to gather in groups on street corners due to Homeland Security and Secret Service mandate that allows them to arrest, or detain, anyone who speaks out against the ruling junta. Don't believe this? Ask Cindy Sheehan why she was escorted from the State of Union Address for wearing a shirt with an anti-administration saying. Ask people who were detained and prevented from attending political rallies because they had anti-Bush stickers on their cars.

Notice what happens to anyone who confronts the power of Bush; Generals forcibly retired from Military Service; Whistleblowers fired; Reputations slurred and demeaned.
We have been subjected to massive invasion of our Constitutional rights by the Bush Administration in many ways. Recording of our telephone calls by the Federal Government is just one example. The Bush Administration has admitted that it plans to record and retain ALL telephone calls made in the United States. Further, At&t, Comcast, Verizon, all have agreed to turn over their records to the Government, so that anything we do can be monitored and examined. Cell phone calls can be, and are being, traced and recorded across the land.

If you are ruled by the Bush Administration an enemy of the state, you are subject to interrogation, torture, and imprisonment without trial or attorney. You may be held as long as the U.S. Government deems necessary.

Therefore, our only measure of freedom, the only means of free speech left in American today is the Internet.

The Internet is where we have access to the real world. WE can read about what is really happening, free of U.S. Censorship. We can decide for ourselves what is fact and what is fiction. We can learn things about our Government and the world situations that our Government would prefer we not know. The Internet is the last measure of real freedom left in this country.

Kiss it goodbye.

This is serious stuff and every American should be in the streets screaming with rage at the ongoing loss of American Freedom and Rights. But most Americans don't have a clue this is happening, because it will never appear on CBS, NBC, ABC, or Fox. Many Americans will never know of this further threat to their freedom and that one more nail has been hammered into their prison.

It is so damn ironic, America is reputed to be one of the most free societies on the globe, and the Republican Christians are turning it into a Theocratic Fascist States right before our eyes!

Proposed Rule Changes Would Tangle the Web
By Michael Socolow
The Baltimore Sun

Tuesday 09 May 2006

"Congress wants to change the Internet.

This is news to most people because the major news media have not actively pursued the story. Yet both the House and Senate commerce committees are promoting new rules governing the manner by which most Americans receive the Web. Congressional passage of new rules is widely anticipated, as is President Bush's signature. Once this happens, the Internet will change before your eyes.

The proposed House legislation, the Communications Opportunity, Promotion and Enhancement Act (COPE), offers no protections for "network neutrality."..

All of these tyrants were brutal to their own people, but the Bush Cabal has extended that brutality across American borders to the world. Which is worse?

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The minimum wage in Washington is $7.63. The minimum wage in Oregon is $7.15. The minimum wage in Texas is $5.15.

This is the difference between a Liberal, Progressive State and those where assholes reign supreme.
Sign in the back of a Chevy 4x4 Truck, jacked up, with huge silver rims and monster tires:

"Kiss My Ass. It's all about me, so get used to it."

Sign in the back of a small blue Chevy four door, mid-size:

"Jesus said; "Love Thy Enemies. By this, I don't think he meant torture, maim and kill."

Monday, May 08, 2006

Takashi Iwamoto

Somedays I realize that the only real thing is the Earth. It dosen't lie, it is never hypocritical, it is never shaming, it is never humiliating, it is only what it is.

This is a very good link to the "14 Points of Fascism" you view these point, consider what your role will be in promoting or demoting Fascism in America.

Ever have one of those days?

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

If you want one single declaratory statement about Politics in the United States today is this:

Congress spent over $100 Million dollars investigating a blow job; and $12 Million investigating the most horrific attack on American soil in modern times. They spent Millions more investigating Clinton's cock than they did the tragic death of over 3,000 innocent people.

That is where the National Priorities are and it is why this country is headed for disaster.