Friday, May 19, 2006

autumn 2005 - dlusion

Any civilization, past, present, or future, that invests more energy in preparing for the afterlife in some mythical 'heaven' than it does in cherishing the biological entity called Earth is a civilization of fools and charlatans.

What possible sense does it make to follow some blind religion that worships a celestial deity while poisoning, exploiting, and killing the planet upon which every living creatures depends?
What possible logic would lead otherwise intelligent creatures to create mystical religions that allow the despoiling and destruction of our environment?

Modern Religions view nature as birthright of humanity, to do with as we please. Modern Religions allow for the exploitation of other living entities because of arrogance and ego-centric lies that form their foundations.
By what distortion of reason would humanity follow any other God than that of Earth?

The earth is and always has been our God. It gives us life, it gives us presence, companionship, medicine, breath, health, hope, mystery, and death. The planet itself gives us everything we ascribe to celestial Gods and more. It gives us reality. The Earth is REAL; Jesus, Budda, Yahwe, Mohammed are all contructs. They do not exist. They have importance only because people have given them importance. These Gods exist only because humanity exists. Take away humanity and these Gods cease. Look at the endless pantheon of lost Gods: Bal; Jupiter; Osiris; thousands upon thousands of nameless Gods worshipped by nameless people living in forgotten places and lost times. The Gods of this era will no doubt vanish into history as the world moves on, civilizations crumble, humanity scatters in survival. These modern Gods are no more powerful or sacred than all the others. They are just the latest in a long line of created myths.

But the Earth exists whether or not humanity exists. The Earth abides. If there is to be worship and honor, we must turn to the Earth as our Mother, our God.

Humanity has taken the wonderous life giving substances of our home world and has polluted the air, the land, the water. Humanity has slaughtered in great and unforgiving numbers the animals that share this world, destroyed its forests, its oceans, its rich tapetry of life, for food, for clothing, for leather, for shelter, for toys, for glory, for riches, for power, for fun. Humanity, in the guise of civilization and under the name of Religion, has treated the natural world like disposable tissue or toilet paper.

This is insanity.

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