Monday, June 12, 2006

thoughs o' the day..

It is curious to see the White House and their lickspittle minions, The Mainstream Media, all gloat about the "Post-Zarqawi era", as if this actually meant anything.

Then we have the suicides in Guantanamo, to which the U.S. GOP responded in shocked indignation. "How dare these prisoners take their own lives to mock us!"
Sociopathic people are unable to see themselves as responsible for bad things. This type of mental illness manifests itself in blame of others and a total preoccupation with their own needs and wants. By every criteria, the leadership of this country and the GOP that supports it are stark raving crazy.

Returning to Guantanamo for a moment, lets be clear about something...these poor unfortunate souls locked for life in the U.S. Guantanamo Prison have no hope of a trial, let alone clemency. Some may be enemy terrorists and some may be absolutely innocent. No one will ever know because there will be no trial, no chance for each of these men to tell their story. Trapped for life in the dungeons of the Empire. What is to keep these men from suicide? What possible hope do they have?

America is keeping these people locked away in direct and flagrant violation of every international law and treaty. America is keeping these people locked away in direct and flagrant disregard of every American Law and Treaty.

Bush said just today in one of his condescentions to the American Press, that "America is a nation of laws". Sure, laws that the Emperor likes and support his pograms are just fine. Anything that hinders or stops the Emperor is ignored.

But beyond Bush, the rage and hatred endemic in the American People against people unlike them is a monument to zenophobia and hypocrisy. If your gorge can handle it, take a good look at what the 'law abiding' people of this nation have done to Native Americans, The Mexican People, The Irish People, German, Italian, Japanese-American, Phillipino's, Vietnamese, the Entire South American Continent,the list goes on and on. Consider the abysmal treatment of African-Americans, both historically and in the present. The truth is that America is, at times, a vicious predator on the lives of other people.The Empire is in to bloodlust in a big way.

Should we be surprised that the trapped souls in Guantanamo commit suicide? What choice do they really have?

As to the killing of Zarqawi, Bush will do his victory dance on the world stage and the hypocrisy is palpable. How many times has Bush killed or captured Zarqawi? Five? Six? Killing Zarqawi means nothing, and the rest of the world knows it.

Yet, here are the papers dutifully pretending that there is such a thing as a 'Post-Zarqawi' era. Here we have the president and his hencemen publically gloating about "Post-Zarqawi"! What bullshit. This is a could example of how the American People are manipulated by language. The White House spins the tail as a 'victory' and creates waves of meaningless press and plans. The pupper masters jiggle the strings and American journalist's pound computer keys.

Does anyone really believe this hogshit?

White House Hones a Strategy for Post-Zarqawi Era

"THURMONT, Md., June 12 — President Bush gathered top aides at Camp David here on Monday to calibrate the best way forward in Iraq during what the administration described as a critical juncture, following the death last week of the most-wanted terrorist in Iraq and the final formation of a unity government there..."

"...The meeting was as much a media event as it was a high-level strategy session, devised to send a message that this is "an important break point for the Iraqi people and for our mission in Iraq from the standpoint of the American people," in the words of the White House counselor, Dan Bartlett..."

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