Thursday, July 28, 2005

The lies

The lies that are foisted upon Americans and the world are indeed staggering in nature. Let's start with the massive one of The Twin Towers. The facts, as presented by the Bush Administration are that a group of Islamic Terrorists highjacked four airliners out of New York, flew one plane into a Twin Tower, flew a second plane into the other Twin Tower, then flew a plane into the Pentagon, then had the fourth and final plane crash in Pennsylvania after the heroic passengers stormed the cockpit and crashed the plane. The Twin Towers were ignited by the burning gasoline, that burned so hot it melted the steel framework and the buildings collapsed. Hours later, building # 7, also a part of the Twin Towers complex, collapsed, for the same reason. The federal government rushed in, immediately, like the next day, determined who the highjackers were and where they came from, and why they did it. "They are angry at America because of our 'freedoms'." The Federal Government immediately determined that Osama Bin Laden was guilty of being the mastermind. The Federal Government rushed in, removed the entire detritus of the twin towers as quickly as humanly possible and moved all of it into either scrap or was destroyed. Upon this egregious action of the insane Islamic Terrorists, George W. Bush rushed into war with Afghanistan and Iraq.

This is all a fabric of lies. To whit:

"Some of the other red flags include:
  • The hijacked flights all flew long routes taking them far from their targets exposing them to certain interception given standard operating procedures.
  • The towering infernos were said to burn with the heat of nuclear power plants, despite sooty black smoke and few visible flames.
  • The building collapses were presented as inevitable, even though such behavior was unheard of in steel structures.
  • Flight 93 was confidently portrayed as a crash due to a struggle, despite strong evidence it was shot down.
  • An extensive paper trail of the hijackers was found within hours of the attack, even though the same people had supposedly eluded authorities for years.
  • The same hijackers who pulled off aerobatic maneuvers with large jets were flight school flunkies who had never flown jets.
  • The FBI claimed that the passport from one of Flight 11's hijackers was found blocks from the towers (when the only other parts of the jetliner that penetrated the tower were a few pieces of landing gear).
  • Several hijackers turned up alive after the attack.
  • 1000 bodies vanished at Ground Zero, despite DNA identification procedures that could identify individuals from small fragments of bodies.
  • Flight 77 vanished at the Pentagon, the 80 tons of aluminum, steel and bodies supposedly burning up.
  • The supposedly fanatically devout Muslim hijackers were fond of strip bars.
  • The video of Osama bin Laden that has him taking credit for the attack doesn't even look like him..." (
OH, but that ain't all. In "Crossing the Rubicon", ( Mike Ruppert, puts together an investigation of the entire incident that clearly proves the Official Story is a pack of lies. The Bush Administration knew about the attack, perhaps even arranged for the attack, and is as guilty as the supposed mastermind, Bin Laden, over this horrific act.

This incident in 2001, shortly followed the alleged election of GEorge W. Bush to the White House. An election so marred by election fraud and outright theft, that the Republican Controlled Supreme Court had to step in and give them the election. Thereafter followed a series of deliberate and premeditated attacks upon the very nature of democracy in this country. Not the least of which was a massive shift of resources and wealth from the poor and middle class to the very richest Americans. The Corporations and the US Government have merged into a single entity. The vast natural resources of this country are exposed to the rape mentality of corporate greed. The maniacal ideology of the born again fundamentalist christian sects have been given extraordinary support and access to the highest levels of power in the Country. This ideology in no way exemplifies the mainstream beliefs of Americans. Lastly, the 4th Estate, the American News Media has been entirely co-0pted into cooperation with the Bush Administration, to the point that US news is now entirely a product of political powers.

The assault on the basic freedoms of all Americans is moving ahead as planned. The so called Patriot Act, is the most determined and successful assault on the American Bill of Rights and the US Constitution in its history.

America, essentially, is on the point of total totalitarianism.

The Bush Administration is a crazy quilt of insane megalomaniacs, and they have gained absolute control. Their Lies have paved the way for the dessolution of America. And ya know what, damned few Americans have a clue....

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