I've read some rants on the web, lately, and think, "Damn", that guy really said it right, and forcefully. Most of them are just overwhelmed with rage that the Bush Junta and the appalling lack of conscience in these people. I can't carry on as long as they do, nor as thoroughly, but I'll give it a shot:
George W. Bush is the worst President this country has ever known. Bare none. He and that sneering crook Cheney, Rumsfeld, the Power Mad Panzer Prince, Rice the obedient parrot, and all the rest of them, are lying, thieving, elitist, power mad mother fuckers. They will crush anyone and anything to get total power. The are killing thousands of people in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other, smaller wars. Innocent people who are dying because George W. Bush and his minions are seeking world hegemony. And they are damn brutal about it. And what really gets to me is the sanctimonious that oozes out of them. "Family values", "Christian Faith" My Ass. These people couldn't care less about God or the family or anybody that stands in their way. Many an American believes these are "good people, doing the Lord's Work". Yeah, they really believe that. Bought it, hook line and sinker.
There is nothing common about common sense.
India has just suffered the worst rain downpour in it's history. India has a long history. They said that 37+ inches fell in less than 4 hours. It was like a wall of water coming down. It absolutely overwhelmed everything. 200 people dead so far....The United States has set records all across the country for heat over the past month. 100 degree temperatures and killing heat have scorched this country. There have been more hurricanes this Spring than any other time in history. The Caribbean is ground zero for hurricanes and it is still early in the hurricane season.
Today I read about a guy, a scientist, who states that Global Warming is not really a scientific fact. "The world has variable weather" he sneered. "The 1920's were much hotter than this". He says.
He is a Phyicist(however that is spelled), but that doesn't make him honest...or right.
Today is a sunny day, mid 70's, but it feels warmer. Ran my errands, had my lunch, worked out, and now I am headed out back to plant plants.
Fuck Bush.
the ole grey guy
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