Thursday, June 30, 2005

Well, this is a new post. I was a wonderful day of sunshine and 70's...planted around the pond and did intangibles. Talked with, son David about the nature of God and Life...that was cool. He is a free thinker. Discussed the straw bale house we will build next year. Solar power, composting toilets, instant hot water, all the energy efficiency we can afford. WE will be getting a Toyota Prius very soon, and with 50-60 miles to the gallon, that is another step.

The truth is that the post-petroleum energy world is about to end. The change is going to be dramatic and extensive. Americans, like never before, are going to be faced with major life changes and adaptations. One of these will be expensive food, and in short supply. Much of our abundant food is grown or raised overseas, and the cost of transportation is going to go through the roof. It isn't just oil itself however, the real crisis will be natural gas. By the nature of gas as opposed to oil, when the field runs dry, in will run dry rapidly, like falling off a cliff. The decline of oil will be more gradual, but not by much. North America is just about out of Natural Gas. Think of what that means: Pesticides, fertilizers, herbecides, electricity...major expenses and major shortages. Gonna get tough.

The greates change for Americans will be psychological...and wrenching. We are preparing for it.

WE will have an efficient home that takes little energy to run, we will grow as much of our food as we can, raise chickens. WE will not be totally self-sufficient, I am too old to pull that one off. Too much work. But we will be as independent as we can, and this is going to save our bacon. We will also catch and store rain water as part of our system. Gonna be water shortages due to Global Warming conditions.

Well, that is all....the 4th of July is present...and I don't think most Americans have a clue how badly their fabled "independence" has been stolen by Bush and his ilk. Everyday, the NeoCons are more entrenched, everyday the fascists tighten their grip on American freedom. And you know who else is along for the ride....fundamentalist rapturite christians. A cabal of these twisted souls is seeking to turn America into a christian nations based solely on their bible.

They don't know what kind of fight their asking for.

Take it slow.


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