Sunday, September 18, 2005

American Children

In between my ranting and raving about the blind narcissistic ideology of George W. Bush and his clearly criminal administration..I wonder about American Society as a whole. I wonder what has a society got to offer when it idolizes the only the super rich and the super big mac. When grown men wear the fashions of children in order to look 'cool'. How many times have you seen a grown man in long baggy 'shorts', actually more like the old peddle pushers, and wearing their baseball hat backwards. There was a time when adults took pride in their adulthood and put away the things of childhood.

The average size of the American house continues to grow to ridiculous proportions, especially when the average family is shrinking in size and intelligence. I wonder about a society that places premium value on publicity over real integrity and essential worth to the society itself. For example, teachers are having to seek second jobs just to pay their mortages, while people who serve no real importance to society, such as stock brokers rake in millions. Can you really believe that a teacher is less important that a stock broker? Does a stock broker guide and foster, and teach people to understand the world. Teachers are the bedrock of any civilization, you absolutely cannot achieve a credible civilization without them....stock brokers singular value is to enrich themselves, and occassionaly, a few others. (
"Wanted: psychopaths to make a killing in the markets."Such an advertisement will not be appearing in the world's newspapers anytime soon, but it may have a ring of truth after research revealed the best wheeler-dealers could well be "functional psychopaths." - Research shows that "functional pyschopaths could be best financial traders.)

Look at the phenomena of Paris Hilton, a pampered chihuahua of a human being who has no value what so ever. Yet there she is, idolized by millions of young, and splashed luridly over magazine covers. Tell me who has more value to a society, a chihuahua or a border collie? A pit bull or a pekanese?

Paris Hilton is the singular proof that talent is not at all necessary for fame.

"...Paris's unwavering confidence in her position as hottest in the room is matched by her and her followers' belief that everybody wants to be American. She is the ultimate symbol of where this country finds itself: the world is at our disposal; cost is not an issue as long as I look good and feel good now. As our mass media pander more and more to the prolonged adolescence of America, Paris and her crew - Lindsay Lohan, Nicole Richie, Jessica Simpson - have become the nation's 'Mean Girls', the high-school 'Heathers' of our psyche. Paris has the glorified life of so many American college girls: living off Daddy's credit card, partying nonstop, revelling in her new-found sexual power. It's 'Girls Gone Wild - Billionaire Heiress Edition'. And the thinner she gets, the more Paris consumes. It has become customary to see her toting in one hand her tiny dog Tinkerbell and in the other a fur Dior handbag to go with her mink-lined Mukluk boots. This is a key image. Because not only has fur become acceptable in the States, but starlets are lining their handbags with it. The undertone in US Weekly's breathless retelling of her latest fab outfit being: the world is probably about to end in madness, so let's just screw each other, the environment and all the animals we can on our way out...' (My American Nightmare. Emma Forest)

In America, our disposable society has reached the epitome of narcissism and greed. We wander into our local grocery stores and we see food rows that stretch for seeming miles, neatly stacked and washed, colorful plastic covers, delightful spot free veggies, accompanied by uptempo music to free the soul of worry. We push plastic across to pay for our grub because it is one step removed from money, therefore we can spend it recklessly without associating it with the reality that money is limited and easily lost. It is easy to use plastic, harder to use money that we know is finite. But that is what America is about these days. Let's act as spoiled rich kids, who have it all, and deserve it all. Lets blow through money like there is no tomorrow, because somehow, someway, we too will become rich and famours. How else do you account for a society that places more faith in lotteries than in savings accounts?

We seem to act as if every person in America is just moments away from instant wealth and all our individual troubles will cease. We act as if reality has nothing what so ever to do with life in American. We act as if fortune and America are synonymous.

Tell me how else can you explain the bizarre belief that a country can fight a major ongoing war, and rebuild a major city without raising taxes? This disconnect from reality is not only childish and sad, it is goddamned fatal.

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