Ya know, it just seems incredible to me that the racism and classism epidemic in this country is so blatant. As if Hurricane Katrina was not a horrific reminder that the poor, and minority, in this country are subjected to second class citizenry..along comes Hurricane Rita to absolutely confirm it.
Public Housing Residents on alert, not evacuated.
(By LORI RODRIGUEZ Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle)
"Houston's public housing officials were on hurricane alert Wednesday as Rita barreled toward the Texas coast, while transplanted New Orleans officials began leaving their temporary quarters in Houston.
Local officials said public housing residents are not being evacuated.
"We're in full hurricane preparedness mode," said La Chanda Jenkins, communications director for the city's..."Presumably, 'full hurricane preparedness mode', means fuck the poor....
"...We've sent out a notice to all our public housing residents telling them how they should prepare for the storm and what emergency contact numbers they can call."
The Housing Authority owns and manages nearly 4,000 public housing units in 17 developments across the city.
Since Hurricane Katrina struck to the east Aug. 29, officials also have been charged with finding local public or subsidized housing for eligible Katrina evacuees."
So what, we got, 4,000 public housing units scattered around the city and these thousands of people are just going to have to ride it out?
Sure, that's fair. That's also Texas. That is where the current resident of the White House comes from. That is where the Republicans have one of their strongest bases. That is where the majority of executions is conducted on almost overwhelmingly black Americans. That is where the school system is failing so badly that Texas is on the verge of being denied federal funding. That is where medical care for the elderly and disabled is a distant dream. That is where George W. Bush tried out his failed policies before trying these failed policies on the whole country.
Sure, Texas would be willing to sacrifice thousands as long as their poor and black.
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