Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Martial Law in the U.S.

Hmmm..I don't want to scare anyone out there, but.....

Bush Wants Right to Use Military if Bird Flu Hits
By Charles Aldinger

Tuesday 04 October 2005

" Washington - President George W. Bush asked Congress on Tuesday to consider giving him powers to use the military to enforce quarantines in case of an avian influenza epidemic..."

But this is no joke. this is also NOT about the Avian Flu. This is about moving this country to Martial Law. Do you know what that means? Your rights as a citizen no longer mean squat. You will be dealt with as the Federal Government deems necessary. "Habeus Corpus", gone. Everything will be nationalized. You will be moved where and how the Feds want it. Your house? Your property? Yup, National Eminent Domain. Your job? Nationalized. Eliminated.Globalized.

Also, remember I have said that Peak Oil means that the cheap energy we have enjoyed for over a hundred years is about to become scarce. The world is going to discover what 'brakes' mean when this baby slams to a stop. This means that the Economy crashes big time, globally. When oil becomes scarce and expensive, everything that depends on it will be too. The Federal Government is gearing up to take command of the country by using Marital Law in order to deal with the utter chaos that will ensue when this happens.

Yeah. 'Bird Flu", it is out there and it really is as bad as they say, and there are going to be a lot of sick and dead people. A flue this epidemic could throttle the economy as its work force is decimated and its medical system is overwhelmed.
So there is some sense to what Bush is doing, but please don't be decieved, once the veil of Martial Law is thrown across Lady Liberty it won't come off.

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