A Doozie of a Recession
By Stephen Pizzo, News for Real. Posted October 5, 2005.
"Of course George W. Bush will blame it all on the war and two hurricanes. In fact, it's a direct result of his own flawed economic policies and the "borrow and spend" lifestyle he sparked, not only within government, but consumers as well.
I am referring to the looming recession. It's going to be a doozie. And it has begun, as it always does, when consumers suddenly discover they can no longer keep pace with their bills..."
"...The percentage of overdue US credit card accounts jumped to a record in the second quarter as gasoline prices surged, the American Bankers Association said. Consumers had more trouble making payments on personal, auto and home-equity loans during the three-month span, the bankers group said. Delinquencies on these loans, collectively, rose to 2.22 percent from a revised 2.03 percent in the prior quarter, the group said. Delinquencies on home-equity loans increased to 2.75 percent of all such loans, up from a revised 2.61 percent. Delinquency rates for indirect auto loans, which are made by auto dealers and held by banks, increased to 2.08 percent from 1.87 percent the previous quarter. Those for direct auto loans gained to 2.07 percent from 2.04 percent..."
I know that 'The Economy" is an amorphous term. Even the 'experts' will admit, if forced, that they do not fully understand how the economy works. They have theories and conjecture, but little real understanding. Often, the experts are as bamboozled by the twists and turns as we are. But that doesn't mean that experts can't be used to manipulate an economy for ideolgocial ends.This is where George W. Bush comes in. Now, why would Bush want to kill the golden goose?Why would Bush want to destroy the American Economy? Simple, he isn't. The aim of Bush and his ilk is to move the golden goose's eggs into the hands of the very wealthy and away from the plebiean class. In his short but brutal tenure, this President has created the largest transfer of wealth from the average citizen to the wealthy in world history. In other words, he has taken care of his base. The wealthy are now so much more wealthy that the coming economic storm will hardly touch them. They will ride it out. Not so you and I.
Strapping on my coat of many conspiracies, I realize that Bush is well aware of the coming Peak Oil crash. Peak Oil means that the abundant and inexpensive petroleum that has built our empire is coming to an end. Petroleum, and its products will be expensive and scarce. This crash is inevitable. At present, despite out vaunted technology, there is no alternative energy source available. Without cheap and abundant petroleum, our entire economic system will crash. The plan for America may be to gain military control of the United STates to prevent rioting and uprisings against the Government when the citizens learn that the comfy lifestyle they have known is coming to an end. Forget the 'consumer' paradise and a new car every two years. People will find that the coming years will introduce real, widespread, and desperate poverty into the American lexicon. Every advertisement you see in Television and periodicals, lush new homes, clothing, sleek cars and trucks, lavish vacations, intricate and magical electronics, High Definition everything, will all appear as hollow mocking jokes when Peak Oil hits.
Why would Bush want to drive the American citizen into poverty? The reason for this is that people who are impoverished have less resources with which to fight. People who are deeply in debt, fearful of losing their jobs, their homes, their 'lifestyle' are rarely going to protest and risk it all. When Americans learn that they have been betrayed by Bush and his ilk, they will very angry, and very helpless to do anything about it.
Bush's economic policies of spending trillions more than we have is designed to bankrupt this government. The stated goal of his advisors, or handlers, like Grover Norquist, is to destroy all government ability to support citizens. No more Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, low income housing vouchers, head start, any program that offers benefits to citizens is to be canceled. Seemingly, in their view, the role of Government is to keep corporations wealthy and the upper class secure. Period. If the working class should benefit from any of this, well that is purely accidental.
It is ironic that many of the fools who voted for this band of thieves, and still support them, are in fact supporting people who will destroy everything they hold dear. The sheeple voted for these assholes, now they too will be sheared.
There is a train wreck coming, and those of us who can see this happening, are left with the terrible premonition that there is little we can personnally do to keep ourselves safe. This is a train wreck that will batter all of us, kill many of us, and it is a train wreck designed by George W. Bush and his handlers.
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