Wednesday, August 10, 2005

"Intellgent Design". Bullshit from the Bible.


Creationism, it just dosen't get any more stupid than this.

The entire concept of "intelligent Design" is such a refutation of intelligence, common sense, and hard scientific data that it is no wonder Bush has led us into this quagmire. After all, the entire Weapons of Mass Destruction scenario Bush painted for Iraq to justify his war, was a failure because intelligence, common sense, and hard scientific data was missing.

Intellligent Design is based on the following: " Because the universe is so wonderous and intricate, there must be a God who designed it. Therefore, the Bible is absolutely correct in every detail and is infallable in its information. And we must kill everyone who doesn't believe as we do."

That's pretty much it. The logic to this belief system is staggering.

Intelligence, Common Sense, and hard Scientific Data...right in the trash can.

And these morons are seeking to run the entire world.


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