Friday, October 28, 2005

Bad day at black rock..

Interesting day. I was pulling out of my driveway this morning and happen to meet two elderly citizens of our housing subdivision. These are two folks that take their morning and evening walks, usually smiling and friendly. Usually a wave as I pass by.

But not today.

The little grey haired woman approached me, after I waved to them, and demanded that I take down my sign in the front yard. She imperiously commanded that this sign must be removed because it is against "The Covenents".

My sign says: "Impeach Bush".

I was angry and therefore didn't say all of the things I thought of later.

Such as: "What happened to Free Speech guaranted by the Constitution of the United STates?"

I could also have said: "I fought in a war for this country and therefore I have the right to say anything I please."

Or: "My guess is that if that sign read "God Bless George Bush", you wouldn't have said a word to me."

Those are the things I should have said. Too late now.

It is curious to me that Conservatives in this country accept Free Speech, but only if you use it to say what they want to hear. The Hypocrisy of the Right Wing in this country in astounding. It is no wonder a thin-skinned liar and murder occupies the White House.

I don't know yet if I will remove the sign. I am a law abiding person, who believes in treating my neighbors fairly and who abides by the rules. But this one is tough to stomach.

AND THEN....Rove is not indicted, just the chosen fall guy, 'Scooter' Libby.

Some days it just doesn't pay to gnaw through the straps.....


Bearded ole guy said...

I agree with you Rusty. It is a freedom of speech issue. The other side of that is that we did sign an agreement in this subdivision not to put up political signs, among other things. My personal belief is that I stick to agreements because that is the only way to maintain integrity. So, I moved the sign back so that it is visible when you enter the front porch, but not from the street.

MY right to free speech ends at my neighbors nose...that is, I can verbally swing all I want, I just can't hit anyone.

Bearded ole guy said...

I agree with you Rusty. It is a freedom of speech issue. The other side of that is that we did sign an agreement in this subdivision not to put up political signs, among other things. My personal belief is that I stick to agreements because that is the only way to maintain integrity. So, I moved the sign back so that it is visible when you enter the front porch, but not from the street.

Thanks for the comment, Rusty, that was to the point. So many of them are just ads for their own blog site.

MY right to free speech ends at my neighbors nose...that is, I can verbally swing all I want, I just can't hit anyone.