Friday, January 20, 2006

And then there was a party of one....

(thanks Bartcop)

The Democrats have chosen a milktoast, republican-light, to be the Democratic response to the lies and distortions of the Tyrant-in-Chief in his State- of- the- Gulag report.

Arianna Huffington

"So the Democrats have chosen Virginia Governor Tim Kaine to deliver the party's response to President Bush's State of the Union speech. Chalk up another one for the What the Hell Are They Thinking? file. On the same day that Osama Bin Laden's chilling warnings make it Red Alert clear that Bush's obsession with Iraq has not made us safer here at home -- and, indeed, has caused us to take our eye off the real enemy -- the Dems decide that the charge against Bush shouldn't be led by someone who can forcefully articulate why the GOP is not the party that can best keep us safe, but by someone whose only claim to fame is that he carried a red state…”

“…I know I've said this before and before, but the Democrats will never become the majority party until they can prove to the American people that they have a better plan for keeping us safe. And that means having someone like Jack Murtha give the State of the Union response -- someone with the authority to make the point that, on every level, Iraq is the wrong priority. And that the hundreds of billions already spent on Iraq (and the countless billions to come) would be better spent shoring up our ports, roadways, railways, securing our nuclear installations and chemical plants, and properly supporting our first responders..."

It doesn’t make sense that the Democratic Party is so clueless, except for one thing: The Democratic Party is wholly owned and operated by the GOP. Nothing else can explain the complete and utter collapse of this entire party.

Nothing, except for one other factor...maybe it is Americans that don't understand what is happening.

Is Bush Stupid -- Or is America?

Robert Parry, 01/18/2006

Many Americans believe George W. Bush is uninformed, simpleminded and, in a single word, stupid. But there is a different way to look at the evidence and conclude that while Bush may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, it is he who thinks the American people are the real dullards.

After all, Bush is the one who explains the “facts” about current events as if he’s speaking to people with the mental capacity of a five-year-old. He also assumes – with some justification – that his listeners don’t mind being misled and lied to, as long as he gives them some bromides that make them feel good.."

I don't harbor ill will against my fellow Americans...well, allright, I do despise the republicans...but I could tolerate them if only they hadn't committed a coup de'tat in this country. I think that it is easy to lie to people, look at the success of Bush, Hitler, Stalin, all of great murderers of history. I believe Hermann Goering said something to the fact, that "It is easy to get people to go to war, you create an enemy, claim this enemy is responsible for all your ills and therefore you must go to war. Further, anyone who speaks against the war is a traitor." I don't recall his exact words, but this is the gist of it.

I fear that freedom's days are numbered.....

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