Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Tyranny grows

Tyranny grows…

TSA: Program may use fliers' financial data

By Thomas Frank, USA TODAY Mon Jan 23, 7:10 AM ET

“A new program to speed travelers through airport security may require passengers to agree to a check of their personal and financial records, the Transportation Security Administration said.

TSA said it will require "in-depth security background checks" that may involve "using commercial data" for people applying to the Registered Traveler program that starts in June. The checks will help verify people's identities to prove they have no ties to terrorism….”
(emphasis mine)

What is next? Loyalty oaths? Apparently Americans now must ‘prove’ we are not terrorists….that is quite a long way from presumption of innocence until proven quilty.

Doesn’t it bother anybody that the people leading this country, the so-called Conservatives, are against everything that Conservativism stands for?

Conservatives used to believe in: Individual Freedoms; States Rights; Fiscal responsibility. Conservatives believed in the principles of conservation, that is, you hold fast to old ways, be slow to change to new ways, be parsimonious in governmental matters. What happened?

Conservatives used to believe in the freedoms of America, the right to be free, the right to live your life your way, the right to build a good living for your family, a right to own property, the right to freely elect our own politicians, a right to worship as we choose, a right to live our lives free of governmental regulations and restrictions.

Conservatives have always said that American comes first, over other nations, and that they are the party of loyalty to the principles of this country. Conseratives have wrapped themselves in the American flag, and have always said that they are the staunch defenders of the American way of life.

And would look at what we got here! How can Conservatives state they believe in these things, yet when in power, they do the precise opposite. If there is indeed terrorists who hate our freedoms, then I submit that it is the Republican Party led by George W. Bush who are the true terrorists and who hate our freedoms.

The End of Unalienable Rights
Robert Parry

“Today, Americans have rights only at George W. Bush’s forbearance. Under new legal theories – propounded by Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito and other right-wing jurists – Bush effectively holds all power over all Americans.

He can spy on anyone he wants without a court order; he can throw anyone into jail without due process; he can order torture or other degrading treatment regardless of a new law enacted a month ago; he can launch wars without congressional approval; he can assassinate people whom he deems to be the enemy even if he knows that innocent people, including children, will die, too.
Under the new theories, Bush can act both domestically and internationally. His powers know no bounds and no boundaries…”

...and what are the outraged American Citizens doing? Watching Dancing with the Stars; dreaming of a new HDL TV; wanting to get that new, more 'fuel efficient' SUV; Watching their sons and daughters killed or maimed; going deeper into family debt; watching their pensions and their health care dissapear; noticing their pay check doesn't go as far as it used to; and still they believe that their government is here to help them.

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