Monday, January 23, 2006

Republican Values

Last night on ABC, they stated that the reason why Ford is firing 30,000 people is because the employee Pensions and Health Care are too expensive and therefore Ford cannot compete with foreign manufacturers....

Then the reporter went blithly on her way, spending twice the air time, to tell a fascinating tale about a new diet pill.

What is curious to me is that this story, and others like it, just scream out the need for a national health care and for pension reforms. Just scream it out. Yet, not a soul will touch this. No one in the media talks about it. It is anathema. The national news media is famous for telling only part of the story and absolutely missing the real story. But, why would this country so discourage national health care? What is this all about?

The Conservatives have so crippled any form of discussion or exploration of National Health Care and Pension Reforms that the Democrats are terrified of opening their mouths. It is a subject that is still born.

Doesn't it seem odd to anyone else that not having a National Health Care is actually hurting the Corporate Bottom Line. If we had National Health Care the Corporations in this country wouldn't have to pay for it. Same with Pensions. Corporations would be more profitable wouldn't they? Isn't that what it is all about? And yet, U.S. Corporations, being the loyal and faithful republicans they are, are almost unanimously opposed to this program. Why?

Perhaps the reason is that U.S. corporations, in concert, would rather break all unions and force the American worker to accept third world pay levels. It is a race to the bottom. If corporations hold firm, they will crush worker opposition, fire all of the highly paid employees, and then hire back only minimum wage workers. The continuation of costly corporate funded health care programs is just an excuse to fire the present work force.

It is also a way of blaming the employee for business management failure.

But, I think more to the point, it is another tale in which the ruling junta in this country sacrifice the well being of the people to push their ideology. The republican ideology is that the Government exists to make corporations more profitable and to protect corporate interests. Period. So, it is the Bush Administrations purpose to deliberately creating chaos with the new Medicare Medical Program to destroy all hope of the American people that they can count on Government Programs to help them. The republicans would rather see the sick and elderly suffer and perhaps die, than create a health care program that works. The republicans would rather thousands lose their only source of income and go hungry and homeless so that corporations can make even more profit by hiring new low paid workers. The republicans have an ideology that allows for the suffering and death of thousands to ensure the profit of a few.

This is the Republican Era...and it will get much worse.

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