Thursday, March 23, 2006

911: History Redeaux

You know September 11, 2001 will go down in infamy. Not because Islamic Terrorists from Saudi Arabia high jacked American passenger Planes and flew them into the World Trade Center thereby creating only the second attack on American soil by a foreign enemy. No, this particular infamy is because this event marks another in a long chain of events in which the U.S. Government deliberately, and with malice of forethought, murdered innocent citizens. This time, over 3,000 American Citizens were killed in order to drive the country under the despotic fist of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

The real History of this country, as opposed to the propaganda pap dished up in high school history classes, is a brutal history of murder for political gain.

  • We of course start with the genocide of the American Indian. This was a demonstrably premeditated action to obliterate the culture, religion, and the very lives of all native people on this continent by the U.S. Government.
  • Then of course we have the Civil War, an economic struggle to place the Southern States under the despotic rule of the Northern corporations.
  • Then we have the U.S. invasions of Cuba, Mexico, and the Philippines that were nothing short of naked grabs for more land and more riches. Do you know that in the Philippines, US. Troops were ordered to kill anyone over the age of 10 in the general population, and they did.
  • World War I and World War II were classic examples of American Empire building, in that this country entered these wars solely because to do so would directly benefit both the national economy and would enhance the Hegemonic power of American rulers. In these wars, the American decision to deliberately bomb and kill innocent civilians was made from the very top of the power structure.
  • Recall Dresden, Germany? A non-military city jammed with refugee’s and inhabitants that was bombed so furiously that it created it’s own massive firestorm, killing thousands of innocent people.

  • Then we have the prime examples of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Two cities, neither one a military target, were wiped off the map by nuclear weapons solely for the purpose of demonstrating to the World, and in particular the Russians, that the United States had these murderous weapons and would use them if threatened. These cities were obliterated to prove a point and had nothing what so ever to do with forcing Japan to surrender. In fact, Japan was in the process of working out the details of their surrender and the Government of this country knew it.

This country has a rich history of murder for political gain and the examples I have given are only a very small accounting.

September 11, 2001 in another of these events.

Go to this website and watch the film. Well-presented evidence that the World Trade Towers were likely brought down by explosives, not airplanes. Who planted these explosives in unknown, but it had to be skilled demolition experts who had plenty of access to these building well in advance of September 11.

Then consider, “
Who has the most to gain by destroying these buildings and murdering all of these people?”

See this video:


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