Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The selling of America

After all the fuss and anguish, rending of garments, accusations of treachery, finger pointing and proclaimations of doom and gloom, the Deal to allow Dubai to control 6 of America’s busiest port was thought to be dead…well, that is what the American News Media reports. Then they just sort of drop it. Move on to other news. “Move along there ladies and gentlemen, nothing to see here, go on about your business, move along.”

But, what if the Dubai deal is not dead?

Dubai Firm Accused of Breaking Pledge to Divest Itself of US Port Operations
By Doreen Hemlock The South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Tuesday 14 March 2006

“The weeks-long saga of Dubai Ports World's purchase of operations in Miami and five other US seaports took another turn Monday, when the company's Fort Lauderdale nemesis publicized a private e-mail and charged the note shows the Arab company has no intention of selling its US assets…”
“..Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said a Dubai purchase could still go through. If a US buyer is not found, and a 45-day review finds no security risks, "I don't see how the deal would have to be canceled," Frist said on ABC's This Week.

What if there was never any intention of killing this deal? What if Cheney and the puppet masters that control george w. (he dosen’t deserve capitalization) just want Americans to think this is the case? What if the real powers in this country have a strongly vested interest, both politically and financially, in having the UAE run American ports?

Remember that george w. has spent over $1 Billion dollars last year alone in producing propaganda to support his insanity. (That is $1 Billion of our own tax dollars and is another issue that was dropped like a hot rock by the media) Surely this much money bought him a lot of journalists who will shut up when told to, and print what they are given.

Additionally, Carlyle Group is looking into this deal. You know about them? They are the investment group that is just chock a’block with old Reagan and ‘Bush the senior’ players (Scowcraft, et al) This group also includes Saudia Arabia.

Carlyle Group Explores Acquisition of Port Operations
By Ben Hammer
The Washington Business Journal

I don’t doubt for one moment that Haliburton is also neck deep in this nefarious heap o’ treachery.

Curious, ain’t it?

Lessons of Iraq War Start With US History
By Howard Zinn
The Progressive

Tuesday 14 March 2006

"...If we don't know history, then we are ready meat for carnivorous politicians and the intellectuals and journalists who supply the carving knives. But if we know some history, if we know how many times presidents have lied to us, we will not be fooled again..."

For those of you with a somewhat limited hardrive, this is a good overview of the whole Dubai Port circus.

Quoth the Raven, 'Evermore'
By William Fisher
t r u t h o u t | Perspective

Monday 13 March 200

(I am in the process of reading, Howard Zinn's, Peoples History of the United States . Do yourself a favor and read the real history of this country. American leaders have maintained a consistent perspective that lying to the citizens is a good thing and should be done whenever possible. Zinn's approach is that the political formation called Democracy is nothing more than a shame, created to insure that a small minority of very rich people control this country and that every move by every President has been to either: 1) Increase wealth and power to this elite. 2) Stablize the system so that it will continue to grow. Good book.

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