Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Today, on the news I heard a woman in Crawford Texas say; "well, of course these people have the right to voice their opinion (said about the valiant woman protesting to Bush why her son was sacrificed in Iraq), but there " is a time and place for it. Right now we must support our troops."

She had the typical bland appearance of most sheep.

Her words still echo though. To her, people have the right to voice their opinion, but if it runs counter to the ruling powers, counter to the so-called mainstream, then this opinion needs to be voiced only in the dead of night, in a basement somewhere. Far away from the rest of humanity. God forbid that a discouraging word would be heard by the sheeple. Sheeple who, dispite all contrary evidence, believe in the greatness of American Power and the infallibility of her leaders.

It is also curious how the conservatives have turned "supporting our troops" upside down. Now supporting our troops means that we need to shut up while young men and women die horrible deaths. We need to be quiet as they are dis-membered, brain damaged, limbs blown off, eviserated, shell shocked, and exhausted, mentally and physcially beyond measure.

"Shhhhhhhh", they whisper. "Let the war continue and the best way to handle it is either cheering or praying. But, don't you dare voice dissention. Don't you dare ask question....shhhhhh, no words of dissent. Hey, there, don't you ask 'Why'?"

We will just wring our hands, sob a little, then send more of our children to die horribly.

Because that is what it means to be 'An American'. Free Speech is permissible only as long as you agree with the King...and the priest...and the ignorant majority.

This round faced synchophant in Texas is so typical of the average American. Blind to reality, allows others to do all of her thinking, religiously follows what she is told regardless of the evidence to the contrary. Pig-headed and foolish. Sheeple. (kind of mixed metephor: "Pig-headed Sheeple", but accurate.

America had the chance for greatness once. But we have squandered the chance and the riches we stole from the Native Americans. We have sold off and bartered off, and betrayed the wisdom of our founding fathers. Greed is no match for freedom. Nor is it interchangable.

Instead of a beacon of light for freedom, we are the new Nazi flashlight seeking out victims to enslave or kill, while our citizens bend their knees in prayer to a God who is as false as the promises of part-time president.

1 comment:

mtnman said...

Dude I like the term you coined. It is on the money. I am also repulsed by the "mainstream". It is only an inch deep and a mile wide. I prefer to think for myself. Keep up the good work.