Saturday, December 03, 2005

Religion and Vultures

In order to spread their twisted filth, Conservative Evangelicals have aligned with Bolton to destroy the UN.

Now, I am not entirely sure of their motives. After all, these are basically sick and twisted human beings, so I have a little trouble thinking like they do. But, if I allow the deepest, most malevolent part of me to surface, I would say that a secular UN stands between the evangelicals and world domination. You see, the UN programs that help the poor and disadvantaged are in competition with the gospel spewing evangelicals who basically do the same thing.

There is a difference however; the UN is seeking to raise people up to a decent standard of living and to help them become more independent and self-reliant. The Conservative Evangelicals on the other hand, are seeking to keep people desperate and impoverished because desperate and impoverished people are more likely to convert to this pathetic form of a religion. You will notice that the advertisements for this religion focus on people in difficult circumstances, especially children. They manipulate the poor to gain converts. Like insidious vultures they circle the sky, looking for dying people so that they can strike when their victims are at their most helpless. Look at how they rushed into Iraq to ‘save’ Moslem souls, and into New Orleans to twist the arms of survivors, giving them a bit of soup and a strong-arm sermon.

Yeah, I guess I can see why the Conservative Evangelical Christians would want to destroy the UN. If they accomplish this goal, that leaves the worlds poor and desperate to their manipulations and machinations.

It also is a grievous betrayal of American Democracy to have Bolton, a political appointee of the Bush Administration, work hand in glove with Christian Evangelicals to spread their diseased messages across the globe. I do believe this is a direct contradiction of separation of Church and State that Jefferson advocated.

Dobson meets with Bolton to set UN policy.
Max Blumenthal

“During the debate on John R. Bolton's nomination as US ambassador to the UN, I was a little dismayed about the lack of attention devoted to his long and troubling history of collaboration with Christian right interest groups to, for instance, restrict condom distribution in developing nations. Now that Bolton has been installed in the UN by Bush, his so-called "reform" agenda will undoubtedly include a host of reactionary Christian right social policies…”

(Dobson, by the way, is the bible vomiting madman that leads the Focus on the Family, a cabal of hatred and tyranny formed to subjegate America. [but, perhaps I am too kind])

Once again, however, I must state that I am not against genuine Christianity. I firmly believe Jesus Christ was a progressive liberal who clearly worked for the betterment of humanity. I really do believe in Christianity, but I don't believe the people like Dobson and Falwell, represent anything other than their own pathetic lust for power. These twisted evangelicals are the exact opposite of everything Christ expoused. They are interested in world domination and control, and they don’t care who or what they have to ruin to get it.

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