Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The State Religion

Do you think that the Republican Members of Congress truly represent the people of this country?

Read this:

"Representative Jo Ann Davis (R-VA), supported by
twenty-five Republican representatives, no Democrat
and no Independent representatives, submitted House
Resolution H. Res. 579 for debate and a vote. It is
titled: "Expressing the sense of the House of
Representatives that the symbols and traditions of
Christmas should be protected."

During the debate, one Democratic member asked the
Davis to amend the resolution to include the symbols
of Chanukah and those of other religious and secular
holidays celebrated at this time of year. She refused.
Only Christianity and its symbols are to be protected.
No similar protections are to be provided for Chanukah
(Jews), Id al-Adha (Muslims between 2006 and 2008),
Yule (Wiccans and other Neopagans), the Winter
Solstice (Atheists and followers of many Aboriginal
religions), Bodhi Day (Buddhists), etc. By passing
this resolution, Christianity is elevated to preferred
status and that all other religions, and secularism,
is relegated to secondary status.

The principle being promoted by this resolution is
that Christianity is the official state religion, and
that Christians are to be given special protections. (emphasis mine)
This conflicts with the fact on the ground that the
U.S. is the most religiously diverse nation on Earth.
One cannot grant one religion special protections and
privileges without adversely affecting the status,
protections, and privileges of non-Christian

The bill was passed on DEC-15 with an overwhelming
vote: 401 in favor; 22 opposed; 5 "present."..."

This below links will take you to the originals, with commentary and a referral to the Library of Congress for the actual words of these politicians. The Democrats do put up some vital resistence, but the vote carried decisively.

Text and commentary:

If this is true, I think this is a country peopled by bigots, liars, and misanthropes.

These people are bigots because they actively work against other religions and people; they are baldfaced liars because there is NO 'war on Christmas'; and they are misanthropes, as based on Miriam-Websters' Online Dictionary:

"Etymology: Greek misanthrOpos hating mankind, from misein to hate + anthrOpos human being: a person who hates or distrusts mankind".

The people behind this legislative frog vomit are alleged Christians who represent all the worst that can be found in religious zealotry. These are people who believe more in their own sense of outrage than they do in God. These vicious parodies of humanity will not rest until everyone else thinks, acts, believes, and worships just like they do. These are the bookburners, whip-eyed haters, the rigid-spined, clenched jaws believers who would saw off the arms of children just to prove their superiority.

If this is what stands for America than I cannot believe how far we have fallen.

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