Monday, April 24, 2006

Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq

"The invasion of Iraq in 2003 was not an isolated episode. It was the culmination of a 110-year period during which Americans overthrew fourteen governments that displeased them for various ideological, political, and economic reasons."

Democracy Now! - Broadcast date: 04/21/06

"...Clausewitz...called it, “suicide for fear of death.” You are so afraid of what's happening to you in the world or what might happen to you that you go out and launch operations, which actually produce the result that you were afraid might happen if you didn't do these things...." (Stephen Kinzer, to Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!)

Sound familiar?

The facts are that the United States has preemptively invaded other nations for damn near its entire history. Specifically, the first invasion of soverign nations came when Europeans 'discovered' America. They invaded the soverign nations of Native American Peoples, established their own country after killing, maiming, an destroying the natives, formed a government, then proceeded to launch invasions against many other soverign nations. It is a repeated time worn pattern of this country.

Louisiana Purchase
Costa Rica
World War I
World War II
Iraq I
Iraq II

This is just a quick partial list of the countries and events in which the United States of America has militarily attacked other countries. The specific circumstances vary, but the pattern in the same:

American Businesses seek profit;
They encounter foreign country that resists;
U.S. Government finds a person or persons in that country to demonize;
U.S. News Media joins the fray by claiming "liberty" is at stake, rallies American public;
American Military Attacks;
U.S. Business gets huge profits.

Maybe more Americans should learn their own damn history.

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