Saturday, April 29, 2006

Sunset Commission are coming...

Conservative forces began to coalesce during the Reagan Administration. The primary target of their machinations, plotting, subterfuge, and outrageous lies was to re-form the United States into a Theocratic Totalitarian System. Period. One focus of their actions was to shrink and re-model the U.S. Government itself. As one of their primary financiers and leaders, Grover Norqist has said, "We want to shrink government down to a size that we can drown it in the bathtub."

What this means is that any program that supports social and humanitarian needs will be null and void. All of these duties will be turned over to Evangelical Christianity. What this all means is that there will be no more Federal Government Programs that help the poor, disadvantaged, children, adults, minorities, majorities, and pets. Ain't nobody except the wealthy and the corporations gonna git stuff from the Feds.

We stand to lose Programs such as:

OSHA, the primary, hell, the only, worker safety program in America today.


Head start and early learning programs for minorities and disadvantaged children.


Clean air and safe drinking water.


Healthy air to breathe.


Beautiful parks and forests for recreation.


Low Income housing, the ONLY means of poor and disadvantaged Americans to be able to afford a roof over their heads.


Battered Women's Shelters, and even Farmer's Markets.


Federal Programs that provide oversight and regulation of Predatory Corporations over citizens.


Federal Disaster Relief.


Millions of dollars in repair of infastructure will be spent only if it benefits the Corporate power structure. Anything that benefits citizens directly will be seen as Socialism and will be banned.

About Sunset Commissions: Putting Federal Programs on the Chopping Block

"Proposals are gathering steam in the 109th Congress for "sunset commissions" -- forcing federal programs to plead for their lives before an unelected commission with the power to recommend whether they live or die.

Leading proposals would force federal programs to plead for their lives before an unelected commission, which would have the power to recommend whether the programs live or die. In the major proposals introduced in the 109th Congress, the commission's recommendations would be forced through Congress on a fast-track, take-it-or-leave-it basis, with very constrained debate and no opportunity for amendment.."

Sunset Commissions

"..."Sunset commission" proposals would force all government programs--from CDBG to TANF, EPA to OSHA, DHS to DOD, and everything in between--to plead for their lives on a periodic basis, such as every ten years. The idea is a complicated version of something very simple: government shut downs..."

Currently, the Bush Administration is moving ahead with its plans to completly reshape the entire Federal Government. What is reveling about this plan is that 'non-elected' commission will decide on what programs stays and what goes. Take a wild fucking guess as to who gets on these 'commissions'. If you said, Conservative extremists who are loyal dogs to the Bush Cartel, then you have been paying attention!

If you like Iraq, and Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, you will absolutely love Bush's new and improved Federal Government. ( Government Reorganization and Program Performance Improvement Act.)

This 'act' will complete the destruction of America as we know it. There is a belligerent and clench-jawed hatred of American freedom and rights brewing among conservatives. They now have the power to restructure this country into their vision of Democracy. One is which everyone does what the National Religion of Christianity tells them to do. You will worship only Christianity and the bible will be the law of the land (intrepreted of course by conservative evangelical types). Everyone will live in poverty and corporations will rule every aspect of American life. But, we will have the finest slam-bang, action oriented, flash-dance kind of television and movies you have ever seen. The distractions that the new and improved Federal Government creates will be absolutely riveting. You can bet on that.

Meanwhile, while we are distracted with nonsense and pretty pictures, our air, our water, our land, our very existence will be on a for profit basis.

We will have a government that does only three things: 1) Maintains a strong military to crush resistence, both internally and externally. 2) Maintain the profitability of all Corporations. and 3) Support and maintain the National Religion of Evangelical Christianity.

Oh yeah, and elections? These will continue as a pretense, and as long as you vote as you are told to by your ruling evangelical christian megachurch you will be fine. You will get to keep your job, own a home, buy groceries, get loans, go to schools.

IF you vote as instructed. IF you keep your mouth shut.

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