Sunday, April 02, 2006

Presidential Lawlessness

It just goes on and on….meanwhile the American people worry about Bird Flue, rising interest rates, disappearing pensions, inflation, and the exorbitant cost of education, oh yeah, and why Kevin Federline hasn’t lived up to Brittany’s lofty expectations.

Bush has instituted a policy in which he signs into law legislation that has NOT passed both houses of Congress. This little maneuver is strictly prohibited by the Constitution of the United States. It is illegal. Get that? Against the law, wrong, verboten, not allowed. But the sound of silence is deafening.

This President has made it one of his enduring legacies, ‘breaking the laws of the United States”, and still we the people do nothing, demand nothing, enforce nothing.

Is because we are bad people? Corrupt? Dishonest? No. Americans by and large really are tolerant, honest, hardworking, dependable people. But where is the outrage!

This is an Administration built on deception, theft, and lawlessness..oh yeah, murder too.

Please support any actions to censure or impeach this President....better yet demand accountability in our election process so that our votes are actually counted as marked.

A bill passed by only one house of Congress just doesn't count.

Saturday, April 1, 2006

"....To become law, a bill must pass both houses of Congress in identical form and be signed by the president or approved over his veto. A bill passed by only one house -- or passed by both houses in different forms -- is not a law. Unless, that is, the bill is the Deficit Reduction Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 2005, and complying with the Constitution would be really, really inconvenient to President Bush and Republican congressional leaders..."

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